Functional state of boys with different motor fitness in conditions of intensive use of digital technologies


Dr. Biol. I.A. Krivolapchuk1,2
PhD, Associate Professor M.B. Chernova1
1Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow
2State University of Management, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the features of the functional state of boys aged 8-9 and 10-11 years old with different motor mobility in conditions of intensive use of digital technologies.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 120 schoolchildren 8-9 years old and 180 - 10-11 years old, classified for health reasons to the main medical group. The intensity of the use of digital technologies was determined by the amount of "screen time". The level of digitalization was studied on the basis of the calculation of the modified informatization index (Imod) proposed by us.
Results and conclusions. Based on the results of population and experimental studies, it was found that boys 8-9 and 10-11 years old with a high level of development of motor abilities in conditions of intensive use of digital technologies in the daily routine are characterized by a more favorable functional state (FS) of the body compared to peers with insufficient motor skills. readiness. The specificity of the influence of general and strength endurance, speed and speed-strength abilities on indicators of vegetative balance, adaptive capabilities of the body, muscle performance and physical development of children with a high index of informatization of living conditions was determined. Age features of the influence of the level of development of key motor abilities on the considered aspects of FS were revealed.

Keywords: digital technologies, modified informatization index, motor abilities, functional state, muscular performance.


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