World cultural heritage preserving ethnic sports service elements in the academic physical education curriculum: benefits survey


PhD, Associate Professor S.G. Maltseva1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Ermilova1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor N.G. Zakrevskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Putyatova1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Youth, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to survey benefits of a world cultural heritage preserving ethnic sports service model complementary to the academic physical education curricula. 
Methods and structure of the study. We used, for the purposes of the study, theoretical studies and analysis of the reference literature and the relevant legal and regulatory provisions, questionnaire survey and physical education progress monitoring toolkit. We sampled for the survey bachelors (n= 52) majoring in international relations, journalism and services.
Results and conclusion. The survey made it possible to analyze the student’s attitudes to the world cultural heritage sensitive ethnic sports service elements to rate their benefits for the academic Journalism and International Relations curricula. The survey found the students’ awareness of the world cultural heritage sensitive ethnic sports service benefits being directly correlated with the valid Federal Higher Education Standards as they set good theoretical and practical training benchmarks for every academic discipline with a special priority to the practical volunteering service at international sports events as a good basis for progress.

Keywords: ethnic sports, world cultural heritage, training of physical education university students.


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