Pedagogical technology of general physical training of young sambo


Graduate student D.S. Valchugov
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

Keywords: circular training, martial arts, general physical training, development.

Introduction. Modern studies of recent decades indicate that increasing the level of physical fitness, in particular in martial arts, is still one of the main tasks at the initial stage of sports training. The low level of physical development of children starting to engage in sambo wrestling significantly complicates the development of technical elements, does not allow to fully carry out the training process in accordance with the program material [1].
The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the pedagogical technology of general physical training of young sambo wrestlers.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study was conducted on the basis of the municipal autonomous institution of the city of Nizhnevartovsk "Olympic Reserve Sports School". Pedagogical technology was based on the following system-forming components: purpose and objectives, substantive, procedural and evaluative components, effectiveness of pedagogical conditions.
The results of the study and their discussion. The developed technology combines the core components on the basis of a holistic view of the training process, the appropriate ratio of its individual elements, a structured approach to the study of the content of the development of motor qualities and physical conditions; elaboration of the features of the methodology of their development.
Thus, we believe that the developed technology will be effective if training modules aimed at the accentuated development of the leading physical qualities in SAMBO, such as coordination and speed-strength qualities, flexibility, speed, strength and endurance, are used in the process of SAMBO training sessions of the initial sports training group [2].
Conclusion. The pedagogical technology of general physical training of sambo wrestlers in the conditions of the Siberian region on the basis of circular training is the pedagogical tools of the sambo coach, which allows to effectively manage activities and influence young athletes, taking into account the influence of various factors that determine its success.


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  2. Filin, S.A., Strizhak, A.P. Motor coordination training of young sambo wrestlers 10-12 years old at the stage of initial sports specialization// Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. - 2013. – No. 1. p.13.