Psychological and pedagogical support and support for sports gifted children: scientific research and the opinion of coaches


PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Mushkina1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor M.A. Maznichenko1
PhD, Associate Professor O.P. Sadilova1
O.A. Mikhalkova1
1Sochi State University, Sochi

Objective of the study was to revealing the ideas of coaches about the goals and content of psychological and pedagogical support and support for sports gifted children.
Methods and structure of the study. The survey was attended by 68 judo coaches from various regions of Russia, who were undergoing a professional development program on the basis of Sochi State University.
Results and conclusions. The results showed that the opinions of scientists and practicing coaches on the targets and content of psychological and pedagogical support and support for gifted children have differences. Russian scientists in the targets and content of the psychological and pedagogical support of gifted children include systematic monitoring of sports abilities, sports and educational results, creating conditions for the development of various areas of the personality, providing assistance in learning, in establishing relationships with peers, organizing research activities. Coaches consider the prevention of stress, mental disorders and diseases caused by excessive physical activity to be the most important. They need advanced training in matters of psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children in the form of seminars.

Keywords: gifted children, sports talent, psychological and pedagogical support, psychological and pedagogical support, support content, coaches' presentations.


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