Technological approaches to the formation of training programs on land in the annual cycle of training highly qualified swimmers


D.E. Stratilatova1
Dr. Hab. T.S. Timakova2
1Fеdеrаl Trаining Sроrts Center of the Representative Teams of Russia, Moscow
2Federal Scientific Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK), Moscow

Objective of the study was to reveal the technology of building lessons on land for highly qualified swimmers with a focus on solving the problems of their training in the annual cycle.
Results and conclusions. The athlete's training plan for the upcoming competitive season includes the following algorithm for building lessons on land: setting goals and objectives for training on land; collecting information about the athlete and determining the strategy for his training in land conditions; formation of a lesson plan taking into account the schedule of competitions and training camps on the road; the choice of means and methods of training on land, taking into account the conditions for their implementation; control of the program implementation with the introduction of the necessary correction based on current information; analysis of the effectiveness of the use of the training program on land.
The authors conclude that the systematized programming of training on land, taking into account the characteristics and needs of the athlete, optimizes his training as a whole, allowing you to effectively solve problems based on the priority hierarchy of their significance, taking into account the individuality of the athlete, to analyze the dynamics of changes in his physical qualities, correlating them with the results at his main competitive distance.

Keywords: individual characteristics, highly qualified swimmers, international starts, dry land training.


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