Simulation of ski moves of highly qualified ski racers based on the analysis of tensometric parameters of repulsion


Dr. Hab., Professor А.V. Gursky1
PhD, Associate Professor V.N. Chernova1
PhD, Associate Professor О.M. Bubnenkova1
1Smolensk State University of Sports, Smolensk

Objective of the study was to evaluate the level of speed-strength abilities on the basis of tensometric indicators of repulsion by legs when simulating skiing in highly qualified ski racers.
Methods and structure of the study. To determine the force and time parameters of repulsion by the legs while simulating ski runs in ski racers of high qualification, a computer complex for the analysis of movements was used. The study was conducted in the laboratory of the Smolensk State University of Sports. Athletes performed two test attempts and two test attempts, the results of the best attempt were taken into account. The study involved 15 highly qualified ski racers (two MSMK and 13 MS, age – 19-28 years, sports experience – 7-10 years).
Results and conclusions. The use of a hardware-software complex, consisting of a strain gauge platform, an ADC and a computer with strain signal processing programs, makes it possible to objectively judge the speed-strength readiness of highly qualified ski racers. Such an evaluation system is of particular value due to the fact that athletes perform motor actions of a dynamic nature, as close as possible to a competitive exercise. The data obtained can form the basis for the development of a normative scale for assessing the speed-strength capabilities of cross-country skiers of various fitness, gender and age characteristics.

Keywords: highly skilled athletes, cross-country skiers, speed and strength ability, tensometric parameters.


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