Situational enforcement skills training model for traffic police cadets at beginner professional training stage


PhD, Associate Professor E.I. Troyan
Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of a situational enforcement skills training model for the Ministry of Internal Affairs traffic police cadets in the beginner professional training stage.
Methods and structure of the study. The new situational enforcement skills training model piloting experiment was run at the Tyumen Advanced Training Institute for Ministry of Internal Affairs Personnel in 2018-2021 on a sample of traffic police cadets.
Results and conclusion. The new situational enforcement skills training research and model tests were designed to develop and probe a range of traffic situations that need good self-defense, enforcement and detention skills from by the traffic police officers – including the following: force the offender from the vehicle; prevent quarrels and fights after traffic accidents; master chase and detention basics; master self-defense from attacks on a patrol car, etc., with every situation ranked by the enforcement degrees.

Keywords: State Road Traffic Safety Authority of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, traffic police, physical strength, situational training, combat skills, professional training.


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