Artistic gymnastics choreographic excellence model with musical illustrations for beam routine


PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Kolesnikova
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow Abstract

Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate benefits of the artistic gymnastics choreographic excellence model with musical illustrations for beam routines.
Results and conclusion. We recommend, based on the available research data and our own practical experience, balance beam routine excellence model with a special priority to artistry and choreographic performance. The choreographic excellence model includes a set of relatively easy beam exercises to improve the movement style in harmony with the musical illustration within a 90-second timeframe; effectively vary the routine execution pace as dictated by music in every training session; and secure fast progress by the difficulty-stepping skills-excelling choreographic tasks that offer elementary acrobatic/ gymnastic elements complemented by prudently sequenced elements from the difficulty table.

Keywords: women’s artistic gymnastics, artistry,choreography, beam theoretical and practical training, musical illustration.


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