Safe adaptive academic environment to facilitate physical education service for special health groups


Dr.Hab., Professor R.R. Magomedov1
Postgraduate student M.R. Popova1
1Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol

Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate benefits of a new adaptive academic educational environment to facilitate academic physical education service for the special health group.
Results and conclusion. We developed, for the purposes of the study, a multilevel physical education model for special health group within safe adaptive academic educational environment including practical, technology-and-content, analytical and operational modules. The adaptive academic educational environment to facilitate the academic physical education service for the special health group is secured by the Practical physical education Fundamentals module complementary to the standard adaptive safe academic education system; physical education Procedures module interfaced with the Technology and Content module; and the physical education Progress Monitoring module interfaced with the Analytical and Operational module of the adaptive academic educational environment.

Keywords: physical education, students, special health group, educational process, adaptive academic educational environment.


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