Coordination abilities rating tests for gymnasts


PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Dardanova1
I.A. Shcherbakov1
1Smolensk State University of Sports, Smolensk

Keywords: gymnastics, coordination abilities, test tasks.

Introduction. In gymnastics, coaches widely use tests recommended by the Federal Standard of Sports Training, among which tasks are presented to determine speed, strength, flexibility, endurance, and there is not a single test that is directly recommended for determining coordination abilities.
The purpose of the study is to develop and experimentally substantiate a set of test tasks to assess the coordination abilities of gymnasts at the stages of long-term sports training.
Methodology and organization of the study. A basic set of test tasks has been developed that determine kinesthetic-differentiation abilities, the ability to maintain static and dynamic equilibrium and orientation in space, with high reliability (0.56<r<0.90) and informativeness (0.69<r<0.93). To control the results of training activities, an auxiliary complex of coordination tests with average information content and reliability is proposed. 173 gymnasts of various qualifications took part in the experiment. At all stages of training, group 1 was formed initially from individuals with a significantly higher level of coordination readiness than in group 2.
The results of the study and their discussion. The group experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the developed complexes of coordination tests, which was expressed in reliable intergroup differences in the performance of gymnasts at various stages of the long-term training process: at the stage of initial training in a jump with a rotation of 90 °, walking in a straight line of 5 m with closed eyes, the test task "Stork" and the integral KP indicator (p≥0.01); at the training stage – in a jump with a rotation of 90° and 180° (p≥0.05), the Romberg test, rotations by rotation around the supporting leg on the narrow part of the gymnastic bench and the integral KP indicator (p≥0.01); at the stage of sports improvement – in a jump with a rotation of 90° and 180° (p≥0.05), the Flamingo test task, 360° turns on the narrow part of the gymnastic bench and walking in a straight line 10 m with closed eyes (p≥0.01); at the stage of the highest sportsmanship – in a jump with a rotation of 90°, a jump with a rotation of the maximum number of degrees (p ≥0.05), a test task "Flamingo", rotations by rotation around the supporting leg on a narrow part of the gymnastic bench (p ≥0.01).
Conclusions. The developed and tested test tasks when they are introduced into the long-term sports training of gymnasts will allow the most objective selection into groups at the stages of long-term sports training, as they contribute to the effective prediction of successful sports activities in gymnastics.


  1. Botyaev V.L. Selection and forecasting in sports based on indicators of development of coordination abilities: monograph. Surgut: SGPU, 2011– - 214 p.