Benefits of subjective time scales for physical stress tolerance rating tests


PhD, Associate Professor Y.V. Bulgakova1
Dr. Sc. Tech., PhD, Associate Professor Y.A. Turovsky2, 3
D.Y. Bulgakov4
T.V. Ivanova1
A.A. Kuznetsova1
1Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow
2Voronezh State University, Voronezh
3Institute for Control Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
4Academy of Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze and type subjective timing scales for application in the physical stress tolerance rating tests and analysis.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled 40 individuals for the subjective timing scales tests with 5s/ 15s time interval rating attempts repeated five times. The tests produced the subjective perceived times and accuracy versus the physical stress tolerance EEG data generated by the parallel tests.
Results and conclusion. The sample showed a higher accuracy in the 5s time scaling test albeit lower reproduction with repetitions. The 15s time scaling test produced less accurate but more consistent test/ retest data. Having analyzed the test data, we grouped the sample into the following two time scaling types: type 1 prone to underestimate time and less accurate in timing; and type 2 normally overestimating time interval although more accurate. The test data were found matching with the power spectral density EEG, with type 2 leading in the power spectral density EEG tests in the frequency range under study. The study data and analyses contribute to our understanding of the time perception mechanisms, with the subjective timing scales tests offering special benefits for the physical stress tolerance tracking purposes.

Keywords: physical stress tolerance, subjective time scales, short time intervals, time perception, power spectral density electroencephalogram.


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