Actions to increase performance of elite swimmers under anaerobic metabolism of competitive activity


Dr. Hab., Professor G.F. Gilev1,2
Postgraduate student V.V. Vladykina1
PhD., Associate professor N.E. Maksimov2
Associate professor A.I. Popkov2
1Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russia
2Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia

Objective of the study was to test and analyze competitive benefits of an aerobic and glycolytic training alternating model for elite swimmers, with a movement coordination management focus.
Methods and structure of the study. We used special equipment to rate the key physiological and biochemical parameters in the aerobic and glycolytic training alternating model testing experiment on a sample of elite 100m/ 200m swimmers. The competitive progress facilitating training model included serial swimming of the distance with glycolytic energy supply; with the Control Group taking passive rest breaks in between the distances, whilst the Experimental Group trainings alternated the high-intensity swimming cycles with aerobic swimming with the intensity customized to the individual fitness and progress.
Results and conclusion. The test data analysis found the aerobic and glycolytic training alternating model beneficial for the competitive progress as verified by the significant progress of Experimental versus Control Group due to the active aerobic swimming breaks as a rehab tool alternative to passive rest breaks. The tests found progress in the glycolytic energy supply mechanism for the working muscles with improvements in the lactate utilization in the early rehabilitation periods.

Keywords: swimmers, cyclic sports, intensity zones, competitive progress, rehabilitation regimen, lactate.


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