Teamwork and interpersonal compatibility tests of elite footballers in tactics excellence trainings


Postgraduate A.M. Mishatkin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Antipov1
Dr. Hab. Professor V.P. Guba2
1Moscow State Regional University, Mytishchi, Moscow Region
2Smolensk State University, Smolensk

Objective of the study was to test and analyze the teamwork skills and interpersonal compatibility in the tactics excellence trainings of the national football elite.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study elite qualifiers for the Russian Premier League Championship and Junior Championship (n=42, including 18 adults and 24 juniors) from Lokomotiv football club (Moscow). In September through December 2020 we analyzed the reference theoretical and practical literature to list the top priority elements of the modern football elite training. And in January through May 2021 we run special tests to rate the teamwork and interpersonal compatibility with account of anthropometric characteristics, functions and psychological traits of the sample. The test data and analyses produced a set of the most beneficial tactics excellence rating criteria for defense and attack tactics of adult and junior players of Lokomotiv football club. And in May through August 2021 we statistically processed and analyzed the study data.
Results and conclusion. The study found that the team lining by using the set of anthropometrical, physical, functional, technical, tactical and psychological test criteria being beneficial for the efforts to improve the defense, midfield and attack lines due to the better sensitivity to the teamwork skills, tactics and interpersonal compatibility.

Keywords: football, elite athletes, interpersonal compatibility, tactical interactions.


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