Special physical fitness tests for 11-12-year-old volleyball groups
PhD A.S. Ananyin1
V.M. Denisova2
K.G. Chui2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the 1kg ball throw practices and tests for the beginner 11-12-year-old volleyball groups.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled the 11-12-year-old sports school volleyball players (n=20) to run a training experiment with progress tests to profile the special physical fitness and technical fitness variations. The progress tests were designed to fix the best result out of three attempts followed by a mathematical statistical processing of the special physical fitness test data and a correlation analysis of the test data arrays.
Results and conclusion. The study found a strong positive correlation between the 1kg ball throw test results and the long inter-zone high (2-plus m) and slow (10-minus m/s) technically perfect overhand passes.
Keywords: volleyball, junior volleyball players, special physical training, skill tests, overhand pass, training system, sports school.
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