Flatfoot preventing and correcting training system for 5-6 year-olds


PhD, Associate Professor V.E. Beltz1
N.A. Petukhov1
A.O. Khramtsov2
1Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Tomsk
2Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk

Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a flatfoot preventing and correcting training system with artistic gymnastics elements for the 5-6 year-olds.
Methods and structure of the study. We developed the artistic-gymnastics-prioritizing flatfoot preventing and correcting training system for the 5-6 year-olds using analyses and summaries of the relevant theoretical and practical study reports; somatoscopy, podometry, and foot plantography; observations; training experiment; and standard mathematical statistical data processing toolkit with Z-test. Progress of the sample in the artistic-gymnastics-prioritizing flatfoot preventing and correcting training system testing experiment was rated by the pre- versus post-experimental tests of the Experimental versus Control Group.
Results and conclusion. The artistic-gymnastics-prioritizing flatfoot preventing and correcting training system was tested beneficial as verified by the meaningful progress of the Experimental versus Control Group in every tested foot function and morphology parameter in the somatoscopy, podometry and foot plantography tests. The test data and analyses give us the grounds to recommend the new flatfoot preventing and correcting training system for attention of the physical education research community.

Keywords: foot, flatfoot, artistic gymnastics, 5-6 year-olds, preventing and correcting exercises.


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