Functional exercises with letok game device to improve visual acuity


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Turmanidze1
A.A. Fomenko2, E.A. Vinogradova2
1State University of Management, Moscow
2Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk

Keywords: muscles, vision, physiology.

Regular implementation of game physical exercises with the software and hardware complex "Letok" three times a week for 20 minutes can increase visual acuity in three months if the user complies with other hygienic conditions recommended by ophthalmologists.


  1. Integration of the virtual-real complex "Letok" into the training of visual acuity of SMG students / A.V. Turmanidze [et al.] // Theory and practice of Physics. culture. - No. 3. - 2021. - p. 23.

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