Corporate wellness programs: regional demand and progress profiling survey


Dr.Med. E.R. Yashina1
Dr. Med. Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation P.S. Turzin1
PhD, Associate Professor K.E. Lukichev1
PhD A.V. Generalov1
1The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow

Objective of the study was to survey and analyze the demand for and progress of the regional corporate wellness programs.
Methods and structure of the study. The questionnaire survey was run in 31 regions of the Russian Federation to rate progresses of the relevant regional and municipal agencies in the Public Health Improvement Project implementation efforts. The questionnaire survey form offered 39 questions to mine objective regional progress data.
Results and conclusion. The questionnaire survey data and analysis made it possible to rate the regional progress of the corporate wellness programs on the following scales: corporate health statistics; progresses in labor efficiency and incomes; and motivations for healthy lifestyles. The regional health offices recommend improving the corporate wellness programs by the efforts to: develop and implement the progress-facilitating regulatory framework and guidelines; and develop a specialized wellness training system on sound financial provisions.

Keywords: health, corporate wellness programs, health service offices, regions.


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