Effect of chinese qigong ba duan jin gymnastics on physical state of special health group students


Postgraduate student Yatsun Zhang1, 2
Dr. Med. T.A. Shilko1
A.B. Sharafeeva1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
2Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, China

Objective of the study was to assess the influence of Chinese Qigong Ba Duan Jin gymnastics on the physical condition of special health group students.
Research methods and structure. At Physical Education and Sports classes (two semesters) the female students of the Experimental group were practicing Qigong Ba Duan Jin gymnastics and Control group trained by the regular curriculum.
Research results and conclusions. The use of Chinese Qigong Ba Duan Jin gymnastics has a positive effect on the physical condition of female students in the special health group by optimizing their physical development (Erisman index) and cardiovascular and respiratory system functionality (blood pressure, vital capacity, VC index, Stange and Genchi test).

Keywords: Chinese Qigong Ba Duan Jin gymnastics, female students, physical condition.


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