Skate skiing techniques in cross-country races and biathlon: comparative analysis


PhD N.B. Novikova1
I.G. Ivanova1
A.N. Belyova1
PhD, Associate Professor G.A. Sergeev2
Postgraduate student A.V. Petrushin2
1Saint Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, Saint Petersburg
2Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to test and analyze the kick double pole skate skiing biomechanics versus the technical and tactical fitness rates for the cross-country and biathlon.
Methods and structure of the study. We video-captured the competitive performance of the sample on ascends for further analyses to compute and analyze the movement biomechanics rates.
Results and conclusion. The cross-country skiing and biathlon groups was tested with the highest speeds in the starting lap, followed by its fall in laps 2-3 in biathlon, and growths in the final lap in the cross-country skiing group due to the increased striding frequency and stride length. The stride length in laps 1 and 3 showed significant intergroup differences. The knee joint extension rate in lap 1 was higher in the biathlon group (2.09 versus 1.76 rad/ s) and in the final lap in the cross-country skiing group (2.16 versus 1.97 rad/ s). The study data give grounds to recommend the skiing speed being increased using more balanced strength management scenarios to economize the movement biomechanics at the early competitive stages.

Keywords: biathlon, cross-country skiing, kinematic characteristics.


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