Catering service models applicable in sports facilities


PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Pershina1
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Piunova1
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Sapogova1
1Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of modern catering service models for different sports events and facilities.
Methods and structure of the study. Data analysis and syntheses were applied to analyze benefits of the modern catering service models for different sports facilities equipped/ non-equipped with stationary catering service outlets, with a special priority to competences of the catering service staff, clientele group demands and goals of the sports events. The study was run at the A.A. Danilov Federal Winter Sports Training Center "Snezhinka".
Results and conclusion. Modern catering service is organically integrated into every economic sector including sports. The range of catering service models analyzed herein makes it possible to select the potentially most beneficial ones to facilitate the commercial activities at the municipal/ state-owned sports facilities.

Keywords: catering, sports facility, forms of catering, catering service, sports events catering.


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