Adaptive physical education service for premature infants: first-year rehabilitation means


Dr. Hab., Professor A.P. Shklyarenko1
Dr. Hab., Professor T.G. Kovalenko2
Associate Professor, PhD D.A. Ulyanov2
1Slavyansk-on-Kuban branch of Kuban State University, Slavyansk-on-Kuban
2Volgograd State University, Volgograd

Objective of the study was to analyze the key theoretical and practical provisions for the adaptive physical education service to premature infants.
Methods and structure of the study. The research methods applied were as follows: physical development tests with analyses of motor skills, reflexes and postural responses in the premature infants sample with 34-37-week bearing terms diagnosed with orthopedic disorders.
Results and conclusion. For success of the premature infants’ rehabilitation service, the health system needs a standard adaptive physical education methodology customizable to the premature infants anatomy and physiology, neuropsychic progress patterns and motor skills mastering progress, with a special priority to the knowledgebase on triggers and patterns of the potential pathological process. The orthopedic rehabilitation service will be designed to attain the following key goals: normalize physical health; improve resistance/ immunity; prevent/ cure joint underdevelopments; correct muscular asymmetries; and correct musculoskeletal system functions.

Keywords: premature infants, nervous system, functionality disorders, functionality compensation, motor skills, adaptive physical education, rehabilitation, physical development.


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