E-training (distance learning) elements for supplementary sports tourism education service: benefits analysis


Y.A. Karvunis1
Associate Professor M.B. Lozhkina1
Dr. Med., Professor L.V. Kapilevich1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of modern electronic training elements for the supplementary education system, with the children’s and youth sports tourism service taken for the case study.
Methods and structure of the study. The first stage of the study in April-May 2020 was designed to update the academic curriculum and implement distance learning elements, and provide a special electronic training basics course for the school physical education teachers to make them fit for the new service format. Results and conclusion. The study data and analyses generally showed benefits of modern electronic training elements for the supplementary children’s and youth sports tourism supplementary education service, particularly in the Local History, Ecology and Life Safety competence module where the distance learning tools were found to effectively facilitate progress due to special motivations. The distance learning formats with a wide variety of modern electronic training tools, however, were tested little beneficial for practical tourist skills and competitive performance in the sports tourism events.

Keywords: sports tourism, children’s and youth sports tourism, electronic training, supplementary education.


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