Automated biochemical methods to assess muscle and myocardial damage in athletes


Dr. Med., Professor V.V. Dorofeykov1
M.S. Smirnov2
PhD T.G. Nevzorova1
PhD E.V. Shapot1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2Saint-Petersburg Scientific-Research Institute for Physical Culture, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine the effects of training loads on the blood level of muscle damage biomarkers, including cardiac biomarkers, in qualified male biathletes.
Methods and structure of the study. Subject to the study were 10 males aged 18-23 years (MS and CMS), height - 176.5±2.1 cm, body mass - 69.4±1.8 kg (Experimental Group). The Control Group was made of 10 male handball players aged 18-21 years and having the same sports skill level. The study was carried out at Kavgolovo Training Center and Medical Center of P.F. Lesgaft NSU in two stages: preparatory (October-November 2018) and competitive (January-February 2019) periods of the one-year training cycle. The Experimental Group subjects were asked to ski using a freestyle technique for 120 minutes at a steady pace, with a heart rate of 140-160 bpm. The blood samples were taken from the vein on an empty stomach before and after training using the vacuum tubes with gel. The body response to physical loads was studied during the delayed recovery period, for which blood collection was carried out 12-14 hours after training.
Results and conclusion. The biochemical control using the high-tech methods for determining the blood levels of cardiac Tn, creatine phosphokinase, urea nitrogen, and other laboratory blood readings helps coaches to determine the effects of training loads on the body of athletes in a timely and objective manner, adjust the training process, estimate the body’s adaptation to training loads, and detect cardiac and muscle disorders.

Keywords: biathlon, adaptation, heart, muscles, troponin I, creatine kinase.


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