Individual ‘qualities’ in physical education theory: problems, present situation and potential solutions


Dr. Hab., Professor Y.F. Kuramshin1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to offer practical approaches to the meanings and interpretations of individual physical qualities in the context of physical education service.
Results and conclusion. Historical evolution of the notion of “quality” in the physical education theory and practice may be classified into a few stages, with special contributions from the Leningrad and Moscow physical education institutes. It was traditional for the first national studies of the qualities formed by target physical education service to refer to them as psychophysical qualities. It was in 1940 that the Leningrad-based Lesgaft physical education Institute published a practical physical education manual for the academic establishments where K.Kh. Grantyn offered a definition of psychophysical qualities developed by specific physical exercises. He interpreted psychophysical qualities as quantitative measures of activity of every bodily system and basically grouped them into the psychomotor and moral-volitional ones. The K.Kh. Grantyn classification ranked strength, speed, endurance and dexterity with the psychomotor qualities; and attention control, determination, courage, perseverance, stress-tolerance, endurance and some others with the moral-volitional ones.
After the WWII, the meanings of psychophysical qualities were comprehensively analyzed in the A.D. Novikov monograph "Physical education: issues of the subject, principles, tools, methods and physical practicing forms" [10] where he supported K.Kh. Grantyn in considering psychophysical qualities in the context of functions of the relevant bodily organs and systems. In the 1950-1960ies, the term psychophysical qualities was gradually replaced by motor skills and then physical qualities.
Based on the analysis, we would consider the notion of ‘psychophysical qualities’ as the primary and broadest concept of modern general physical education theory since it adequately covers the subject area of individual physical and mental/ spiritual progress and resource building. A systematic approach implies the individual qualities in the physical education context being considered within the vertical and horizontal ‘multi-storey’ hierarchical structure. In the material domain, physical qualities may be viewed as dictated by activities of the relevant bodily organs and systems.

Keywords: physical education theory, physical qualities, physical abilities.


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