Individual competitive styles in martial arts: theoretical grounds for synergized training


Dr. Hab., Professor V.A. Tajmazov1
Dr. Hab., Professor S.E. Bakulev1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Fedorov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Pavlenko1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to provide a theoretical basis for the individual competitive style improvement options in the modern elite martial arts.
Results and conclusion. In the context of study-specific goals, we would provisionally classify the individual competitive style elements into the following two groups: Group A including the individual competitive style elements always contributing to the competitive progress; and Group B including the potentially negative individual competitive style elements that may hamper competitive progress and cause failures in finals of the top-ranking events. It should be emphasized that this grouping is rather provisional since the same individual competitive style element may alternatively fall in either of the above groups depending on the actual fight situation.
Generally the higher is the individual class/ skill level, the better are the competitive-progress-specific qualities and test rates including the feel of distance, striking instinct, timing, pacing etc. – manifested in specific actions and combinations of the timely and effective technical and tactical actions. In our studies of the martial arts-specific individual competitive style, we give a special priority to the individual psychomotor profiles to differentiate and predict every competitive timing and spacing skill element, rate the technical and tactical actions timing, sequencing and tempo-rhythmic patterning under pressure from the opponent in every specific competitive fight situation in the modern elite martial arts.
Well-tested, analyzed and synergized individual competitive style elements in the modern martial arts elite help better design and manage the individual martial arts elite training systems so as to effectively control the individual fitness in every aspect in the context of the absolute and conditional genetic markers and psychological aspects – and outline new competitive progress opportunities for professional success.

Keywords: martial arts, individualized approach, integration of individual competitive style components, psychomotor profiles, elite sport skills.


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