P.F. Lesgaft’s educational heritage and humanistic personality progress ideas


Dr. Hab., Professor S.E. Bakulev1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.A. Tajmazov1
Dr. Sc. Pol., Associate Professor V.V. Pyzh1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze the core ideas of P.F. Lesgaft in the context of the physical education system design and management basics that he developed, with a special attention to their humanistic priorities.
Results and discussion. Peter F. Lesgaft was one of the renowned public figures of the late 19 to early 20 centuries. His research and educational service was heavily influenced by the ideas of these and other progressive thinkers, revolutionary democrats and natural scientists of Russia. He comprehensively and extensively analyzed the-then physical education service design and management experiences of England, Germany, France, Greece, etc. to demonstrate their scientific inconsistency and offer his own physical exercising systems on the whole and gymnastics systems in particular.
Results and conclusion. The P.F. Lesgaft’s physical-education-related ideas and concepts are still highly appreciated and considered systemic and inclusive as they combine the deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology with no less extensive knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, plus exceptional theoretical and practical physical education knowledge. This knowledgebase and ideas are still relevant nowadays as they effectively encourage and inspire deeper research in the physical education sector to better understand the nature of physical education as a cultural phenomenon within the evolving framework of the modern physical education theory.

Keywords: Peter F. Lesgaft, educational heritage, physical education and sports.


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  2. Lesgaft P.F. Izbrannye pedagogicheskie sochineniya [Selected pedagogical works]. Moscow: Pedagogika, 1988. 399 p.
  3. Lesgaft P.F. Glavnye Trudy: s kommentariyamy professopov V.A. Taymazova, Y.F. Kuramshina i A.T. Maryanovicha [Main works with comments of professors V.A. Tajmazov, Y.F. Kuramshin, A.T. Maryanovich]. Saint Petersburg, Pechatny dvor publ, 2006. 719 p.
  4. Tajmazov V.A., Kuramshin Y.F., Maryanovich A.T. Petr Frantsevich Lesgaft. Istoriya zhizni i deyatelnosti [Petr Frantsevich Lesgaft. History of life and activity]. Saint Petersburg: Pechatny dvor publ., 2006. 479  p.