Synergistic effect of electrical myostimulation and shock training method on 15-17 year-old girls


Associate Professor, PhD I.N. Mironenko1
Postgraduate student L.H. Mahmood1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, sports, youth and tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the synergistic effect of electrical myostimulation and shock training method by Yu.V. Verkhoshansky on female long jumpers at the stage of initial specialization (15-17 years).
Methods and structure of the study. The study included a cross-check of the effects of these training methods applied in the educational experiment. The surveyed contingent consisted of the two groups of 15-17 year-old girls (p≤0.01), homogeneous in terms of the fitness level, 10 subjects each.
Results and conclusions. The data obtained in the two-stage educational experiment indicated an increase in the overall index of effectiveness in both groups: by 9.1% - in the group trained using EMS and by 11.8% - in the group trained using both EMS and shock plyometric method. The overall increase in the speed-strength fitness rates in both groups was 12.1±2.0%. The two-stage educational experiment showed the predominance of the synergistic effect of the two factors – increase in muscle strength under the influence of EMS and improvement of the mechanism of accumulation of energy of elastic strain in the muscles under the influence of the shock plyometric method, which exceeds the cumulative effect of each factor by itself.

Keywords: electrical myostimulation (EMS), shock method, hopping off, training, plyometry, synergy, speed-strength preparedness.


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