Youth sports training service quality determinants analysis


A.Yu. Zagorodnikova1
Dr. Hab., Professor O.N. Stepanova1, 2
PhD, Professor V.I. Shalupin3
E.S. Kumantsova3
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow
3Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze and rank the youth sports training service quality determinants.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the first-stage questionnaire survey the 14-18 year-old sports school trainees (n=200), their families (n=70) and coaches (n=12) to find their opinions on and expectations as to the training service quality. The survey data were verified by a content-analysis of the relevant legal and regulatory framework to produce an updated second-stage version of the questionnaire survey form with a special emphasis on the youth sports training service quality. The new questionnaire survey ranked the training service quality factors on a 5-point scale (from 1-point unimportant to the 5-point extremely important elements). The questionnaire survey data and rankings were used to develop a factor model for the training service quality that puts the training service quality factors and elements into a single matrix to facilitate a factorial analysis with the Varimax rotation test.
Results and conclusion. The training service quality elements and combined factors analyzed above are unlikely inclusive enough; and we would recommend further studies to correct, amend and complement the training service quality rating and ranking database and analyses.
The training service quality profiling data and analysis may be recommended as benchmarks for the coaching personality and expertise excellence and junior athletes’ sports training service quality improvement initiatives.

Keywords: coach’s image, junior athletes’ training service quality determinants.


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