Physical education and sports activities as factor of socio-psychological adaptation of foreign students


Associate professor, PhD O.V. Filatova1
Associate professor, PhD E.A. Repnikova1
Associate professor, PhD S.V. Ivanov1
1Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich Stoletov, Vladimir

Objective of the study was to improve the efficiency of socio-psychological adaptation of foreign students by means of futsal practices.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the Department of Physical Education and Sport of Voronezh State University from September 2019 through January 2021. Subject to the experiment were the Russian and foreign students (mainly from Africa and Arab states) (n=43). Various psychological techniques were applied during the experiment. The foreign students were divided into two samples. The first sample consisted of the students with the normal motor activity mode: two physical education lessons a week and independent training. The second sample (experimental) was made of the students engaged in the futsal section: three training sessions a week.
Results and conclusions. The findings prove the benefits of well-organized and targeted physical activities for the socialization and integration of foreign students into new cultural and educational environments, normalization of their psychoemotional state during each semester and examination session. Group futsal trainings contribute to personality development, autonomy and proactivity in overcoming individual difficulties; cause changes in the individual motor activity mode, which gradually reduces the need for external influence or assistance. This is a powerful means to restore students’ psychic force and physical vigor.

Keywords: foreign students, physical education and sports activities, adaptation, university.


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