Development of basic motor qualities in humanitarian university students by means of volleyball


Dr. Hab., Professor Y.P. Kobyakov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.G. Kalintseva1
Senior lecturer S.A. Peschanova1
Senior lecturer A.V. Lebedev1
1Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov (VlSU), Vladimir

Objective of the study was to determine the impact of specialized volleyball lessons on the dynamics of physical development of humanitarian university female students.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved the female students of the Department of History and Department of Foreign Languages, 2017-2020 intake (n=86). The testing was conducted as part of the country’s academic methodology twice during the academic year (September, May). In each year within that time span, the volleyball lessons were held for about five months, from mid-October to mid-April. Up to 50 minutes of the total lesson period were allotted for the volleyball practices.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of the results of the three-year specialized volleyball training found that the latter contributed to the maintenance of flexibility at the baseline level, while in the running control tests, there was a slight slowdown in this rate, though not reaching a statistically significant difference.
To increase the effectiveness of the development of speed and endurance qualities by means of specialized volleyball lessons conducted in the gymnasium, it is recommended to increase the load in the speed-strength exercises.

Keywords: students, physical development, physical fitness, longitudinal method.


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