New memory and attention training model to complement elective academic physical education and sports toolkit


PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Simen1
PhD N.V. Vasilyeva1
PhD N.A. Matveyeva1
1Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Cheboksary

Objective of the study was to develop theoretical and practical provisions for and test benefits of a new memory and attention training model to complement the elective physical education and sports toolkit at universities.
Methods and structure of the study. Based on our prior studies, we designed a new memory and attention training model for university students applicable in the elective academic physical education and sport service. The new memory and attention training model is dominated by special physical training tools to facilitate progress in the attention controls and memorizing skills, including a range of problem-solving, hierarchical and ordering practices to improve attention, plus traditional fitness exercises with the verbal and practical instructor’s assistance in difficult traditional fitness exercises and active developmental games.
The students’ progress in the elective memory and attention training model piloting experiment was tested by the Bourdon's proofreading test, A.R. Luria test and Schulte tables on the pre- and post-experimental basis to rate the memorizing and attention control skills. We sampled for the experiment university students (n=107) and split them up into Experimental and Reference Groups (EG, RG) of 53 and 54 people, respectively. The pre-experimental tests found the groups virtually equal in the attention control and memorizing skills. The EG was trained as required by the new memory and attention training model and the RG was trained by the traditional physical education and sport service in September-December 2019, with the both group trainings run twice a week to total 72 academic hours.
Results and discussion. Most beneficial for the memory and attention training purposes are known to be aerobic practices including running, walking, swimming, skiing, etc., conditional on the training time and intensity being well customized to the daily regimens, semester periods, etc., with a special priority to the natural individual resources and hygienic factors. The new memory and attention training model of our design prioritizes special physical training practices to facilitate progresses in the attention control and memorizing skills by problem-solving, hierarchy-building and ordering practices, plus traditional fitness exercises with the verbal and practical instructor’s assistance in difficult traditional fitness exercises and active developmental games.
The new memory and attention training model implementation algorithm prioritized the following: attention control and memorizing skills tests; sample grouping by gender and primary attention control and memorizing skills subgroups for customized services; attention control and memorizing progress tests in the trainings; and special warm-up, workout and special physical training practices to facilitate individual progress.

Keywords: university students, elective physical education and sports courses, forms and methods of work, attention, visual and auditory memory.


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