Distant physical education service: individual progress trajectories


PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Bakaev1
PhD S.V. Kalmykova1
Dr. Hab., Professor J. F.-M. Gaillard2
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Vasilyeva1
1Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
2University of Lorraine, Nancy, France

Objective of the study was to summarize modern practical experiences of academic online Physical Education Theory and make practical recommendations on how the trainer-trainee communication may be improved in the digital education environments.
Methods and structure of the study. Our research team has developed and piloted an online Physical Education Theory course with an institutional model of the digital Physical Education Theory, and analyzed practical benefits of the course. The online physical education course offers a harmonized interpretation of the physical education theory accessible for every trainee despite some ambiguity of the traditional terms and meanings; is designed on clear logics and rules for delivering the key physical education concepts; and governed by a unified physical education concept. The online physical education course gives a due priority to the physical education service distribution in the faculty so as to timely customize and individualize the physical education formats.
Results and Conclusion. Some students of the online Physical Education Theory course demonstrate poor academic progress and backlogs with low examination grades to effectively stall the online education service. We have addressed this problem by special recommendations for the online education course developers with an emphasis on the interest and progress facilitating motivations. We prioritized the following recommendations: update the interim test sets at least once a year; offer lively interactive learning elements in the course including crosswords, special projects, etc.; encourage the trainees for supplementary courses to facilitate their progress in the online Physical Education Theory.
Conclusion. Having analyzed the practical experience and benefits of the online Physical Education Theory course, we offered practical recommendations for the course trainers and trainees on how the academic progresses may be facilitated to avoid or reduce the academic backlogs.

Keywords: online course, physical education theory, progress trajectory, students, digital education.


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