Popular physical activities in Russian Federation: preferences rating survey


PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Latushkina1
Dr. Hab., Professor O.N. Stepanova1, 2
Dr. Sc. Psych., Associate Professor E.A. Shmeleva1, 3
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
3Ivanovsk State University, Shuya

Objective of the study was to survey, analyze and rate the popular physical activity in the Russian Federation.
Methods and structure of the study. We used for the purposes of the study: an online questionnaire survey and statistical mathematical data processing SPSS Statistics 22 software toolkit with graphical presentations  and content analyses. We sampled for the questionnaire survey the national population (n=846) in 48 regions of the country dominated by (n=766) the Ivanovo Oblast (n=363), Moscow city (n=236), Moscow Oblast (n=86), Omsk Oblast (n=24), St. Petersburg city (n=18), Nizhny Novgorod Oblast (n=16), Vladimir Oblast (n=15) and Kaliningrad Oblast (n=8) regions. The sample was mostly (n=729, 86.2%) urban, with the rural and small town populations making up only 4.5% and 9.3% of the sample (n=38 and n=79), respectively; with the men and women groups making up 36.3% and 63.7% of the sample (n-307 and n=539), respectively; and with 85.6% of the sample aged 18-59 years (most active group).
Results and conclusion. The questionnaire survey found some 20% of the sample determined for habitual physical education and sports; more than 25% prepared for habitual physical activity on a health-sensitive basis; 1.1% skeptical or unprepared for habitual physical activity; and 2.4% uncertain. In the men and women groups, 75.6% and 68.8% reported determined for habitual physical activity; 1.0% and 1.1% unprepared for it; 21.5% and  27.5% prepared on a health-sensitive basis; and 1.9% and 2.6% uncertain on the point, respectively.
The physical activity preferences of the sample were found gender- and age-specific with apparent influences of the social settings, and this is the reason why a special emphasis is recommended being made on the socializing aspects of the modern physical activity. The questionnaire survey found the top-20 physical activity favored by the national population including health walking, jogging and cycling (triad 1); fitness, swimming and volleyball (triad 2); football, dancing and bodybuilding (triad 3), followed by yoga, basketball, workout, table tennis, skiing, active team sports and entertainments, aerobics, martial arts, ice/ roller skating, Nordic walking, and ice hockey.

Keywords: physical activity, Russian population, activity preferences, physical education planning.


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