University physical education department students’ psychomotor functionality and physical activity analysis


PhD, Associate Professor D.M. Pravdov1
Dr. Hab., Professor M.A. Pravdov1
PhD, Associate Professor N.E. Khromtsov2
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Matsko3
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Ivanovo State University, Shuya branch, Shuya
3Armavir State Pedagogical University, Armavir

Objective of the study was to rate and analyze the 18-19 year-old Physical Education Department students’ mental, physiological and physical fitness versus their physical activity.
Methods and structure of the study. We used the following methods: analysis of the relevant study reports; nervous system responses and strength rating tapping test; and the physical fitness tests including plank running and 30s sagittal-plane simultaneous/ alternating hand swing test. We sampled for the study run in 2020-21 the 18-19 year-old Physical Education Department students’ (n= 97 including 53 males and 44 females) at three universities.
Results and conclusion. The right-/ left-hand tapping test data (total average tapping frequencies) were found virtually the same for the male and female groups; although the right-hand squared points tapping averages in square 1 were significantly higher in the male group.
Habitually sporting and physically active individuals in the sample were tested with significantly higher dynamic endurance in the tapping test and cyclic exercise tests indicative of the good musculoskeletal system fitness and nervous system control. Their unsporting and physically inactive peers were tested low in the nervous system strength / dynamic endurance rating tests and physical fitness tests. The study data and analyses demonstrate the need for the theoretical and practical academic physical education and sport service for the unsporting students to be revised so as to encourage their physical fitness and physical activity sensitive to their individual psychomotor test rates and physical progress agendas and offer customizable physical training models.

Keywords: 18-19 year-old students, tapping test, physical activity, nervous system strength, cyclic exercise test, pace.


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