50th anniversary of student basketball in Vladimir Region: history, problems, prospects


PhD, Associate Professor А.V. Vlasov1
M.V. Tukanov1
Y.S. Vasiljev1
1Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov (VlSU), Vladimir

Objective of the study was to designate the main stages of formation and development of student basketball in the Vladimir region as an independent phenomenon in mass sport in the context of the 50-year history of the regional higher physical education.
Methods and structure of the study. The methods applied in the work included interviews with the students (70 respondents), student basketball team players (25 respondents), and sport veterans (15 respondents); analysis of literature sources, documents, and archive materials; historical and factual analysis.
Results and conclusions. The history of basketball in the Vladimir region is in many ways and inextricably connected with the three stages of formation and development of student basketball, the history of which was primarily written and realized by student basketball players and coach-instructors of the Department of Physical Education-Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, both men’s and women’s university teams. It is hoped that today’s 50th anniversary will be marked, among other things, as a starting point for the further development of the region’s student basketball, the foundations of which have been laid by students and teachers of the Department of Physical Education and Institute of Physical Culture and Sports throughout its history.

Keywords: Vladimir region, student basketball, mass sports, higher physical education, history formation and development.


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