Federal health monitoring program: physical fitness test toolkit for public schools


Dr. Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavsky1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Fursov1
PhD, Associate Professor S.M. Obukhov2
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the physical fitness test toolkit for the public school physical education service as provided by the Federal health monitoring program.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was designed to test physical fitness of the 1-11 graders in the public school system. Specific physical fitness test results were summarized to produce integral physical fitness test rates. The specific physical fitness aspects test exercises were designed on an age-specific basis to rate the individual speed, movement coordination, speed-strength, strength, endurance and flexibility as follows: grades 1-3 were tested by 4 physical fitness tests; grade 4 by 5 tests; grades 5-9 by 6 tests; and grades 10-11 by 6 tests. Individual successes in the tests were scored by 1-3 points and failures by 0 points.
Results and conclusion. The physical fitness tests of the Surgut public school population under the Federal health monitoring program ranked 54.0% of the main health group sample (n=23,943) moderate, 34.9% (n=15,492) high and 11.1% (n=4,906) low on the physical fitness test scales. The physical fitness test data made it possible to objectively rate and analyze health of the municipal public school population, with the highest physical fitness test rates demonstrated by the 10-11 graders. The physical fitness test data are recommended for attention of the public school physical education teaching community for the physical education curricula updating and practical physical education service quality improvement purposes.

Keywords: physical fitness, students, 1-11th grades, tests, scores.


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