Conceptual foundations of regional adaptive physical education system


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor E.M. Golikova1
PhD, Associate Professor T.M. Pankratovich1
Y.G. Shevorakova1
1Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg

Objective of the study was to identify the main activities in the field of adaptive physical education within the regional education system.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included an analysis of the normative legal documents in the field of adaptive physical education and educational environment of the region; generalization of the advanced pedagogical experience in the practical realization of adaptive physical education programs in the Orenburg region; questionnaire survey to determine the need for adaptive physical education and sports activities in individuals with limited living and working conditions that reduce their viability and slow down their academic progress, which, in turn, made it possible to determine the vector of sociocultural and pedagogical collaboration within the educational environment.
Results and conclusions. The study enabled to characterize the specific features of adaptive physical education within the educational environment taking into account the subjects’ need for adaptive physical education and sports activities as a socially significant result of the educational policy of society and the state. The educational projects have been implemented since 2011. They are focused on promoting physical culture and sports in the region; motivating people with disabilities to form a proactive attitude through various initiatives and sporting events; implementing the principles of a healthy way of life; exploring the potential of sports and educational organizations of the region to achieve national goals. A comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of implementation of adaptive physical education programs within the educational environment enables to rationally choose pedagogical means of realization of adaptive physical education and sports activities (cultural-educational, adaptation-forming, sports-oriented).

Keywords: educational environment, adaptive physical education, Orenburg region.


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