Weightlifting clean-and-jerk techniques: gender-specific biomechanics analysis


PhD S.V. Nopin1
Dr. Biol., Professor Y.V. Koryagina1
PhD G.N. Ter-Akopov1
S.M. Abutalimova1
1North Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the FMBA, Essentuki, Russia

Objective of the study was to analyze the gender-specific biomechanics of the modern weightlifting clean-and-jerk techniques.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work was carried out on the basis the North Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the FMBA in the city of Kislovodsk at an altitude of 1240 m in the conditions of training camps for athletes at the sports center for training national teams of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Yug Sport".
We used the BTS Motion System (made by BTS Bioengineering, Italy) described in our prior study using special weightlifting biomechanics processing and analyzing certified software (certificate RU 2020660143, 28.08.2020), with the snatch phase structure analyzed as provided by L.S. Dvorkin. Given on Figure 1 hereunder is a sample of the gender-specific squat phase 7 biomechanics analyzing snapshot.
Results and conclusion. The tests and analyses of the gender-specific clean-and-jerk biomechanics found a statistically significant leadership of the men’s group in the strength, speed, power and weight response speed tests. Women’s group was tested as high as the men’s group in a few kinematic tests including the joint amplitude variation, horizontal weight movement tests and in some clean-and-jerk phases; with notably higher knee/ ankle joint flexion speeds and amplitudes. Based on the study data and analyses, we developed exemplary/ model gender-specific clean-and-jerk biomechanics with the clean-and-jerk technique control and correction recommendations. Some athletes in the sample were recommended to give special attention to the squat/ drop/ stand-up phase timings; dynamic emphases in the drop phase; and the weight control action speeds to improve the individual techniques.

Keywords: biomechanics, sports technique, video analysis, tenso-dynamometry, kinematics, weightlifters, clean-and-jerk, gender specifics.


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