Theoretical and methodological concept of functioning of football coach continuing education system in Russia


PhD, Professor А.V. Leksakov
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: the system of continuing education of trainers, the structure of training, software and regulatory support, methodological approach.

Introduction. The formation of the system of training football coaches in our country began in the 60s of the last century by creating coaching schools for players who have finished their sports careers. In 1976. By the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and The Council of Ministers of the USSR established the Higher School of Coaches, which for a long time, until the early 2000s, took a leading place in the definition and implementation of directions in the field of training football coaches.
In 2020 UEFA is introducing a new version of the Coaching Convention, which for the first time provides for the training of coaches in different types of football and in certain areas of coaching (goalkeeping coach).
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the structure of training of football coaches and its varieties in the Russian Federation. Russia and the content component of the process of continuing professional education of coaching staff of different levels.
The results of the study and their discussion. In the course of the study, a management structure for the training of trainers was developed, which includes three educational levels: 1) primary-is carried out in state educational institutions; 2) basic – is carried out in the Centers of training of specialists in the field of football (nine Centers on a regional basis); 3) professional – is carried out in the Academy of the Russian Football Union.
On the basis of the minimum requirements imposed by UEFA on the training programs for coaches, educational programs for coaches of different qualifications working in youth and professional football have been developed and implemented.
To date, the training program for teachers-instructors who carry out the educational process is being tested.
During the implementation of the educational process, work is carried out on the correction of the program material, the introduction of new forms of implementation of the educational material.
Conclusion. The conducted research makes it possible to significantly improve the effectiveness of training of coaches, regulate the activities of Training Centers for football specialists to train coaches at different qualification levels, and outline ways to improve the training of teachers-instructors.


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