Digital technologies driven physical activity/ education service in distance learning formats during Covid-19 pandemic: questionnaire survey


Dr. Sc. Psych., Associate Professor E.A. Shmeleva1, 2
Dr. Sc. Psych., Associate Professor P.A. Kislyakov1
PhD N.P. Konstantinova1
PhD V.V. Pchelinova1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Ivanovo State University, Shuya

Objective of the study was to analyze, based on questionnaire survey data, popularity and benefits of the most popular physical education digital technologies applicable for students’ physical activation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods and structure of the study. For the physical education digital technologies study purposes, we run the questionnaire survey and processed and analyzed the questionnaire survey data using mathematical SPSS Statistics 22 software toolkit. We sampled physical education teachers (n=72) including university physical education teachers (25.0%); children and youth sport school coaches (23.6%); school physical education teachers (19.4%); physical education instructors (18.1%); college physical education teachers (8.3%); and personal trainers (5.6%).
Results and conclusion. The most popular physical education digital technologies for physically active and sporting lifestyles were ranked as follows: video lessons/ training models available on Youtube, etc. (16.7%); physical education guides for self-training in the social networks (15.6%); real-time online classes using Zoom and Skype (15.6%); theoretical physical education support via Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and other messengers (14.0%); mobile physical education tools (13.4%); and emailed practical physical education guidelines (9.7%). Less popular were the following physical education platforms: Russian electronic school,, YaKlass, Google Classroom, Moodle, etc. (8.1%); and the university/ school/ college physical education websites (7.0%).

Keywords: physical activity, physical inactivity, physical education teacher, COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation, distance learning, digital technologies, questionnaire survey, social networks, mobile applications.


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