Comparative analysis of online physical education learning platforms in terms of distance learning


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Sharonova1
N.S. Lesheva1
1Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to conduct a sociological analysis to identify the most effective online learning platforms in the physical education and sports disciplines.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering from April 2020 through January 2021. Sampled for the study were 850 individuals: 825 1st-year students and 25 teachers, of whom 6 - from the Physical Education Department. The subjective (interviews, feedback, comments, etc.) and objective indicators of academic progress were used to assess the quality of distance learning.
Results and conclusions. The sociological survey revealed that MSTeams is the most convenient and practical platform for mastering the physical education and sports disciplines during the lockdown. The subjects’ physical fitness rates were found to decrease in terms of a number of indicators. According to the results of the interviews, most students did not want to assimilate the theoretical material as they did not think it was not relevant for their future profession, and more than 30% of anonymous respondents did not view the video tutorials.
To raise the level of physical activity and real involvement in the 2020-2021 autumn semester, we used the distance learning elements and a program of development of the independent aerobic training self-organization skills, as well as the challenge method. Pacer, Mi Fit and Samsung Health turned out to be the most commonly used applications for calculating steps; they allowed its users to friend other users and monitor their daily successes. The "plank" challenge was in demand among the students who were more physically fit, including athletes of the university’s national teams. The students even created a hashtag on the most popular social media networks #plankanakantantine, which made it possible to attract independent participants.

Keywords: physical education, distance learning systems, coronavirus, students, health.


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