Track and field athletics elite: discipline-specific psychomotor tests and analysis


PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Petrenko1
Applicant L.A. Nerubenko1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Sulima1
PhD, Associate Professor G.L. Nesterenko1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

Objective of the study was to obtain and analyze discipline-specific psychomotor data of the national track and field athletics elite.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study Masters of Sports (n=12) and Candidate Masters of Sports (n=26) from every track and field athletics discipline (n=38 on the whole) to produce an inclusive psychomotor tests database for analysis.
Results and conclusion. Sprinters were tested high on the simple visual-motor response and simple sensorimotor response test scales. The middle-distance runners were tested high on the nervous functions mobility and tapping test scales. The jumpers (pole vault and high jump) and all-round competitors were tested very high on the nervous function mobility test scale and high on the sensorimotor dynamic coordination test scale i.e. with the high assessment and differentiation accuracy verified by the spatial and power movement control parameters. Therefore, such psychomotor rates and analyses may be effectively used to select and specialize young and adult athletes in every track and field sports discipline and every progress stage. The coaching teams may use the psychomotor data and analyses to prudently design and manage the general and special physical fitness models for different types of physique; and forecast individual competitive progresses.

Keywords: track and field sports, psychomotor tests, psychomotor characteristics, physique type, psychophysiologist.


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