Model characteristics of general and special physical fitness of highly-qualified speed climbers


Postgraduate A.V. Shunko1
PhD, Professor T.A. Kravchuk1
1Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Omsk

Objective of the study was to substantiate the model characteristics of the general and special physical fitness of highly-qualified speed climbers.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run in Omsk, Tyumen, and Yekaterinburg from January through December 2019. Subject to the study were 30 highly-qualified athletes, members of the junior and adult speed climbing teams of Russia: 20 Candidate Masters of Sport, 10 Masters of Sport and World Class Masters of Sport.
The program of testing included 25 qualifying standards:
- as provided by the Federal Standard for speed climbing;
- commonly accepted general physical fitness tests (Romberg test, Kopylov test, etc.) [3];
- specialized tests designed based on the research experience in sports climbing (Laffaye test, Margaria-Kalamen test, Grant test).
The statistical data processing was made using the STATISTICS software.
The findings were used to develop a model of physical training of highly-qualified speed climbers, as well as evolve a method of express assessment of the leading physical qualities. The latter consisted of 4 tests to determine the most important aspects of physical fitness of the climbers: speed strength in the legs and shoulder girdle, agility, and flexibility.
Results and conclusions. The mathematical processing of the data obtained in the ascertaining experiment showed a statistically significantly high correlation (po<0.01) between the tests and speed climbing performance. One athlete was tested for 8 minutes. The data were captured using simple mobile applications, which facilitated the effective use of express tests in the training process.

Keywords: sport climbing, speed climbing, physical qualities, model.


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