Cardiovascular system functionality in regularly jogging people of second mature age


Dr.Med.,Dr.Biol., Professor I.N. Medvedev1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Keywords: jogging, heart, vessels, muscular activity, second mature age, physical exertion.

Introduction.Regular physical exertion is considered as a priority option of the recovery of people having vascular disorders [1].  Dosage muscular activity enhances fabric bloodstream, reduces the arterial tone, weakens the hypoxia of the brain and myocardium, minimizes the risk of thrombosis, normalizes hemodynamics, improves the quality and duration of the upcoming life [2].

Objective:find out the effect of daily jogging on the functional state of the people of the second mature age, which transferred the transient violation of the cerebral circulation.

Methodology and organization of research.43 men were observed 36-60 years old, which 1 month ago transferred the transient brain circulation disorder.  With a random way, they were divided into 2 comparable groups: experimental and experimental.  The experimental group (21 people) received a rehabilitation on traditional for rehabilitation centers in Moscow scheme: regular classes of therapeutic physical culture, load on simulators and physiotherapy (hydromassage and circular shower).  The experimental group (22 people) regularly made daily jogging in a free pace for at least 30 minutes a day along the horizontal plane.  In both groups, observation was conducted for 3 months with a survey at the beginning of the study and at the end of observation.  The control group consisted of 20 clinically healthy volunteers of 36-60 years, surveyed once.  The paper recorded the heart rate, the frequency of respiratory movements, the level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure was recorded, standard orthostatic sample, RF, and a 6-minute walk test.  The results are treated with t-Student test.

Research results and discussion.In the experimental group, the frequency of abbreviations of the heart decreased by 34.6% and reached control values.  In the experimental group, the same indicator decreased by only 16.1%.  In both surveillance groups, the respiratory frequency decreased, but is more pronounced in the experimental group (26.6%), contributing to the level of control in it.  Also, in the experimental group of the level of the norm, the values ​​of systolic and diastolic blood pressure have reached, decreasing by 20.6% and 25.6%, respectively.  In the experimental group, a smaller decrease in blood pressure took place in the experienced health effect on the traditional scheme.  The parameters of the orthostatic sample during observation improved in the experimental group by 26.2%, and in the experimental group by 75.9%, reaching only in the second case of the control level.  In the course of observation of the index, Rufye dropped, but demonstrated normalization only against regular jogs.  So in the experimental group, its value decreased by 2.5 times, and in individuals who have made an experienced group, by only 46.5%.

The results achieved in the 6-minute test results showed the benefits of regular runs.  In their background, an increase in the number of steps committed for the taught time was 18.7%, while the traditional recovery scheme was able to increase this indicator by only 9.1%.

Conclusion.People who have suffered a transient impaired brain circulation have signs of asthenia in the cardiovascular system.  The appointment of daily jogs in a free pace along the horizontal surface strengthens the cardiovascular system more efficiently than a combination of regular studies of therapeutic physical culture, loads on simulators and hydroproyase.


  • Purpose. Find out the effect of daily jogging on the functional state of the people of the second mature age, which transferred the transient violation of the cerebral circulation.
  • Methodology and organization of research. 43 men were observed 36-60 years old, which 1 month ago transferred the transient brain circulation disorder.  With a random way, they were divided into 2 comparable groups: experimental and experimental.  The experimental group (21 people) received a rehabilitation on traditional for rehabilitation centers in Moscow scheme: regular classes of therapeutic physical culture, load on simulators and physiotherapy (hydromassage and circular shower).  The experimental group (22 people) regularly made daily jogging in a free pace for at least 30 minutes a day along the horizontal plane.  In both groups, observation was conducted for 3 months with a survey at the beginning of the study and at the end of observation.  The control group consisted of 20 clinically healthy volunteers of 36-60 years, surveyed once.  The paper recorded the heart rate, the frequency of respiratory movements, the level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure was recorded, standard orthostatic sample, RF, and a 6-minute walk test.  The results are treated with t-Student test.
  • Research results. In the experimental group, the frequency of abbreviations of the heart decreased by 34.6% and reached control values.  In the experimental group, the same indicator decreased by only 16.1%.  In both surveillance groups, the respiratory frequency decreased, but is more pronounced in the experimental group (26.6%), contributing to the level of control in it.  Also, in the experimental group of the level of the norm, the values ​​of systolic and diastolic blood pressure have reached, decreasing by 20.6% and 25.6%, respectively.  In the experimental group, a smaller decrease in blood pressure took place in the experienced health effect on the traditional scheme.  The parameters of the orthostatic sample during observation improved in the experimental group by 26.2%, and in the experimental group by 75.9%, reaching only in the second case of the control level.  In the course of observation of the index, Rufye dropped, but demonstrated normalization only against regular jogs.  So in the experimental group, its value decreased by 2.5 times, and in individuals who have made an experienced group, by only 46.5%.The results achieved in the 6-minute test results showed the benefits of regular runs.  In their background, an increase in the number of steps committed for the taught time was 18.7%, while the traditional recovery scheme was able to increase this indicator by only 9.1%.
  • Insights. People who have suffered a transient impaired brain circulation have signs of asthenia in the cardiovascular system.  The appointment of daily jogs in a free pace along the horizontal surface strengthens the cardiovascular system more efficiently than a combination of regular studies of therapeutic physical culture, loads on simulators and hydroproyase.