Self-isolation during Covid-19 pandemic: university students’ health-related life quality variation survey


PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Rodionov1
PhD M.A. Rodionova1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to rate and analyze the physical and mental health and life quality variations in the university student communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run at Surgut State University. We sampled for the questionnaire survey the 2-3-year students (n=128) aged 18-20 years, including 66 full-time students sampled in March-April 2014 during public learning period [4]; and 62 students sampled in February-March 2021 in the distance learning period. The sample was qualified with Health Group 1 eligible for elective academic physical education and sports course. We used the Russian version of SF-36 Health Status Survey (SF-36v.2) with its unspecific life quality self-rating surveys and 8 health-related life quality tests. Every test question is scored by 0 to 100 points, with 100 points meaning excellent health [6]. The SF-36 survey form was translated into Russian and tested by the Institute of Clinical and Pharmacological Research in St. Petersburg. Meanings of differences in the test data arrays were rated by the parametric Student t-test.
Results and discussion. The full-time and distance learning groups scored virtually equal on the physical health test scales due to the relatively young age as they tend to consider themselves healthy and see no limitations for their physical state, although the distance learning group was clearly limited in its physical activity during the pandemic. The latter group, however, was found stressed by limitations in the social contacts and activity in the self-isolation period with the associating falls in the mental health self-rates.

Keywords: health-related life quality, academic academic physical education, physical health, mental health, self-isolation, distance learning, COVID-19 pandemic.


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