Applied professional sport within system of sports activities


PhD, associate Professor Y.V. Chekhranov1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.L. Dementiev1
1Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the place and role of applied professional sport in the current sports practice and develop its basic paradigm.
Methodology and organization of the study. The article presents a theoretical and methodological study of sports practice based on the activity theory, system approach, and structural-functional analysis.
Results and conclusions. The study found that the current division of sports into 2 domains, "mass" and "elite", does not take into account the great social value of applied professional sport, which is proposed to be singled out as a separate sport with its peculiar functions, goals, and objectives. Competitive activities in individual kinds of applied professional sport should be based on modeling of a specific professional activity under the developed paradigm. Competitive activities in applied professional sport stimulate the acquisition and improvement of applied professional skills and provide a better level of training of those involved for their future professional activity.
A thesis was advanced that applied professional sport should occupy a special place, neither in mass nor in elite sports, and thus play a crucial role in the improvement and intensification of vocational training.

Keywords: sports, applied professional sport, mass sport, elite sport, physical education, physical training, modeling, vocational training.


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