Dance movement therapy to build motor abilities in hearing-impaired children


Dr. Hab., Dr. Psych., Professor A.B. Serykh1
Dr. Hab., Professor E.I. Mychko1
L.F. Buksha1
1Baltic Federal University Immanuel Kant, Kaliningrad

Objective of the study was to identify the effectiveness of dance movement therapy in the development of motor skills in deaf and hearing-impaired children.
Methods and structure of the study. The correctional work was carried out at the Rehabilitation Center for Hearing-Impaired Children. The diagnostic testing involved the 7-13 year-old children. The tests were run with the use of the stabilographic methods, methods of "Contact Tremorometry", "Contact Profile Coordinatiometry", "Optokinetic Test" aimed to measure the accuracy of movements when solving various motor tasks. The correctional health program for the development of motor abilities in hearing-impaired children included three stages: the study of the initial level of development of motor abilities in the hearing-impaired children, the implementation of the correctional work with the application of the dance movement therapy, and the evaluation of the work outcomes.
Results and conclusions. Children with hearing impairments find it difficult to develop motor functions: they have poor coordination skills and feel insecure in their movements, which can be seen in the slow progress in motor skills acquisition, slow movement pace, and difficulty in performing exercises, related to spatial orientation. The study showed that dance movement therapy has great potential in the development of motor abilities in hearing-impaired children. The utmost importance should be placed on the exercises to develop coordination skills. The correlation between the tremor intensity, level of development of balancing skills, coefficient of the abrupt change of the movement direction, type of the transition process, and marginal stability in one of the four directions was tested and proved to be statistically significant. It was also proved that the physical exercises with the use of the dance movement therapy elements contribute to the development of coordination and balancing skills in hearing-impaired children.

Keywords: physical culture, motor abilities, hearing-impaired children, dance movement therapy.


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