Special force plate badminton exercises for vision correction


Ph.D. of  Biological Sciences, assistant professor A.V. Turmanidze
Ph.D. of  Pedagogical  Sciences, associate professor V.G. Turmanidze
A.A. Fomenko
Omsk State University n.a. F.M. Dostoevsky, Omsk

Contacts: anton.turmanidze@yandex.ru


Complex training of the visual and vestibular apparatus based on the use of badminton exercises and stabilometer stimulates the improvement of vision characteristics and coordination abilities.

Key words: badminton, shuttle, vision, myopia, stabilometer.


The human biomechanical ability to maintain an upright position is directly related to the coordination characteristics and adaptive mechanisms of the sensory system, the visual analyzer, in particular [3].

Synchronization of the visual apparatus and the vestibular system is stabilized during the implementation of complex coordination motor actions [1], for example, when juggling and playing badminton [2].

Research methods and organization

The research involved 18 students, aged 17-21, assigned to a special medical group with visual impairments.

Vision diagnostics was carried out on a Tonoref II autorefractometer. The study of the parameters of vertical stability was carried out using the stabilometry complex "Stabiloplatform ST-150" according to the standard method.

The data obtained were evaluated using the statistical software package IBM SPSS Statistics 25.

Results and discussion

Diagnostics of the study group was carried out at the initial and final stages of the experiment with a time interval of 4 months.

Initial testing revealed the following visual indicators V OD / OS, 0.2 / 0.1 ± V OD / OS, 0.3 / 0.2 (p <0.05). After the first session on the stabiloplatform, the result was 59.54 ± 2.49% (p <0.01), at the rate of 88%.

Students performed technical elements with a shuttle: tossing at different heights and lengths, as well as hitting the shuttle with a racket, while on a stabilized platform and based on monitoring the auditory and visual assistants of the system, they tried to improve balance indicators.

The results of the final testing recorded a reliably significant increase in all studied indicators. Visual acuity increased to V OD / OS, 0.5 / 0.4 ± V OD / OS, 0.7 / 0.6 (p <0.05), and the ability to maintain balance to 76.32 ± 3.27% (p <0.05). The power of correlations increased from 2.5 to 3.2 (r> 0.7).


Training of motor and coordination abilities through special exercises with a shuttlecock on a stabiloplatform in the study group improved the characteristics of vision and increased the values of vestibular control.


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  2. Turmanidze A.V. Characteristics of power and speed-power capabilities of muscles of highly qualified badminton players / A.V. Turmanidze // Theory and practice of  physical culture. - 2019. - No. 8. - P. 8.
  3.  Turmanidze A.V. The use of special physical exercises with a feather shuttle in the process of vision correction / A.V. Turmanidze // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2020. - No. 1. - P. 94.