Actual directions of individual team training in team sports in context of coronavirus pandemic


Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Guba1, 3
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Rodin2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Smolensk
3Smolensk State University, Smolensk

Keywords: sports games, basketball, volleyball, pandemic, individual training, coronavirus.

The purpose of the study is to determine the current directions of individual training of teams in game sports in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study was conducted from March to November 2020 on the basis of student volleyball and basketball teams of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture (SGAFKST). The study involved 12 coaches and 48 athletes who were offered questionnaire questions aimed at studying the opinion of experts on the use of innovative approaches in the preparation of teams in conditions of self-isolation. The opinions of experts made it possible to develop the main directions for improving the process of individual training of sports teams in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic.
The results of the study and their discussion. Studies have shown that the main direction that provides effective individual training of teams in self-isolation mode, according to the majority of coaches - 65.7% and players - 70.3%, is the use of specialized training that ensures the development of athletes' strength capabilities (rubber expanders), maintaining maximum motor mode (step machine), as well as improving the techniques of the game (passing and receiving the ball) through simulation exercises with medical balls. Of particular importance, according to 58.9% of coaches and 78.3% of players in the process of individual classes in self-isolation mode for athletes specializing in game sports, is the development of coordination abilities due to coordination ladders and hemispheres, which can be used quite effectively in a fairly limited space.
The results of the study showed that solving various tactical tasks in the form of a specific theoretical task, as well as psychological situations encountered during the game, according to 80.4% of coaches and 72.6% of players, allows you to keep an athlete in good shape in the direction of technical and tactical training, which is crucial for achieving competitive success.
Conclusion. Thus, as a result of individual training of teams in game sports in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, physical, technical, tactical and psychological training remain the most relevant areas, which allow not to reduce and maintain a high level of preparedness throughout the classes conducted in self-isolation mode.

Used literature

  1. Guba V.P. Psychological aspects of physical training of athletes in game sports in self-isolation mode / V.P. Guba, A.V. Rodin, L.V. Bulykina // Preparation of sports reserve: mater. IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference with international plot. in sports. science (Moscow, December 01-02, 2020). - Moscow: GKU "TSTiSK" Moskomsport, 2020. - pp. 129-133.