Unconscious focus on sports achievements and professional realization among young employees of power structures


PhD R.G. Ardashev
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow

Keywords: unconscious attitudes, sports achievements, motivation, sports, youth, power structures.

Introduction. Law enforcement agencies act as a place for the realization of the physical, social and spiritual aspirations of young people, allowing them to implement physical activity in practice. At the same time, some of the young employees of the law enforcement agencies continue their sports self-improvement, and the other part stops at the results that they achieved before starting work in the law enforcement agencies.
The aim of the study is to identify unconscious attitudes to sports achievements among young employees of law enforcement agencies, as well as those socio-psychological factors that hinder the sports implementation of this group of young people.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study involved 660 young law enforcement officers aged 22 to 32 years, including 45% of girls and 55% of boys. Of these, 33% (group 1)-continue to engage in professional sports while working in law enforcement agencies, the other 33% (group 2)-left professional sports after starting work in law enforcement agencies, 34% (group 3) – never engaged in sports and do not have sports achievements. This division allowed us to identify different levels of motivation and achievement of professional and sporting success. In the course of the study, the methodology "Motivation of avoidance and achievement" (T. Ehlers) and the author's questionnaire "Motives for professional sports"were used.
The results of the study and their discussion. The analysis of the results of the author's methodology for identifying motivation showed that the motivation strength of those who are professionally engaged in sports is the highest (high level – 83.2%, average – 16.7%, no low level), those who were engaged before, but quit when they came to work in the power structures – in second place (high level – 65.5%, average – 28.7%, low – 5.8%) and the lowest motivation to achieve those who were not engaged in professional sports and have no sports achievements (high level – 13.4%, average – 44.5%, low – 42.1%). Among the representatives of the 1st group, there are three times more people who occupy higher positions and titles, higher income levels than in the 3rd group, and twice as many as in the 2nd group. The Shapiro-Wilkes test and the Student's t-test for independent samples revealed the significance of sports motivation. Confidence differences are found in group 1 based on "social approval" (U = 653.00, p = 0.0543) and "personal success" (t = 2.3223, p = 0.0031). In the 2nd group – based on the "reference point for the group" (U = 678.00, p = 0.0342) and "health" (t = 2.6542, p = 0.0046). For group 3, the confidence differences related only to the "level of conformity" (t = 2.1257, p = 0.0018).
Conclusions. The unconscious attitudes of achieving success formed during professional sports before employment in the power structures, and the maintenance of sports implementation allow young people to achieve more significant results than their colleagues who left the sport or never engaged in it professionally.


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